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Free Philosophy eBook: Moon Barrier The Moon Barrier Moon Were Plato and Aristotle right about life? In December 2023, Iran sent a biocapsule with unidentified animals into space. Would Iran be the first country in the world to scientifically test the sublunary theory of Plato and Aristotle? Instead of attempting to escape the Earth, humanity might better invest in protecting the Earth and potentially also the 🌞 Sun as the source of life. Free Download

About is an international platform that was founded on 8/08/17 for the purpose of promoting clean mobility solutions to serve both nature and human health.

The concept was launched as a demo project for PageSpeed.PRO, a pioneer in website internationalization and international SEO technologies.

As a demo, the project was a success. Within just one year after its launch the platform was visited from literally all countries in the world.

International audience
Google Analytics, 2023

The platform has maintained top positions in Google in many regions of the world for over half a decade and today the platform is visited weekly by people from 174 countries on average. This has additionally proven the durability of the international SEO technologies developed by PageSpeed.PRO.


Due to its success, the platform became an independent project that is further developed to serve the global electric vehicle buyers market with a special focus on the promotion of clean mobility for nature and human health.

⛽ Read About The Hydrogen Scam of The Car Industry Imminent Health Hazard: Only Water as a Byproduct is a Lie